Milford Sound - It Can't Be Missed

If there is one tour that nearly everyone on our bus did, it was the Milford Sound Cruise. It is New Zealand's most famous attraction and we can understand why.


Milford Sound offers up some of the most striking landscapes on earth. With Sea Cliffs that rival the Bay of Fundy in Canada and Kalaupapa National Historic Park in Hawaii you are definitely in for a day of feeling surrounded by giants. It is a relaxing afternoon and the perfect chance to absorb one of natures greatest wonders.

Flying Kiwi is a great tour for people with a lot of energy and the Milford Sound, Te Anau portion of the trip gives the passenger just the right amount of time to recharge their batteries. Most days of the year, Milford Sound is rainy and overcast, but luck was on our side today. We had sunshine and almost balmy weather. There were times on the boat that we actually took our jackets off for a time to bask in the sun. One of the most famous aspects of the Sound are the waterfalls.

Normally they are out in full force on rainy days and that is usually what most people miss when visiting on a sunny day, but because it had rained for 6-days straight before our visit to Milford Sound, we had the best of both worlds. Waterfalls fell in full force into the bay as the sun sparkled in their dancing drops.  If there is one thing that you cannot miss when visiting New Zealand, it is a boat tour of Milford Sound. If you don't go it would be like going to Egypt without visiting the is really something that must be done!


Posted by Flying Kiwi on October 16, 2024